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Student Government Association

We lead and we serve!


Message from the President

The Student Government

Department of Global Innovation Studies

est. 2017


Global Innovation Studies - Student Government Association (GINOS-SGA) is a student-led group composed up of students from the GINOS Department, is a legacy that was founded by Prof. Charles Cabell of GINOS and Ms. Cheryl Phan who then became the first President of the council. It is the most proactive and continuing student group in the department which acts on the service for the student's betterment and well-being.

In GINOS-SGA, students from different year levels have the chance to represent the entire student body by resolving concerns, implementing policies, creating programs, projects, and events that will benefit the students of GINOS effectively. Previously held in person, the pandemic helped SGA innovate and create online events which made it more accessible and easy for participants to join. A huge leap of SGA's innovativeness and openness to the unprecedented challenges of society.

In its
5th year in service, GINOS-SGA aims to equip every student with social and critical thinking skills, a vision and passion which they need to become a successful individual and be part of the community-builders in the society along with the grounded understanding of the department's curriculum and the university's philosophical approach.

Message from the Vice President

SGA Action Plan


Our Logo

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The Logo of the council is a symbol of the organization's creativity and openness to innovation. The blue color represents the council's intelligent minds and confidence in taking huge challenges. The Gold represents the success, achievement, and valor that SGA envisions to provide to the students of the GINOS department. Its geometric figure crafts the abbreviation S-G-A.

Having achieved prominence and respect towards the entire department, the council continues to grow and hone officials and students as great leaders and cultivators of research and development. In the future, SGA, together with the department and university, shall bring forth pride to the growing community of 21st-century innovators and leaders.


To foster practical human resources who can be active in the dynamically changing global society, the Faculty pursues the goal of expanding the following three kinds of capabilities in our students


Building 10 

Toyo University - Hakusan Campus

5-28-20 Hakusan, Bunkyo City, Tokyo


Toyo University

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2022,  Toyo University Hakusan - Campus, Global Innovation Studies | Maintained by: Student Government Association

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